Madrid Week-end Trip for Gastronomy and History: Ävila and Salamanca

For all of you who are thinking of enjoying a week-end trip somewhere nice and close to Madrid, I recommend going to Ávila and Salamanca. Courtney did a post about Salamanca with good tips to prepare you trip, so I will focus on how you could organize a great week-end trip in Ávila and Salamanca with lots of photos.

Ávila and Salamanca are two medieval towns west of Madrid. You can reach both by bus, car or train. I recommend going by car if you have 3 days and thus could go and visit at the same time the quaint villages of “la Sierra de Gredos”.

In a nutshell, here’s the program I recommend for a weekend.


Saturday – Avila and Arrival at Salamanca:

Sunday: Tour Salamanca

If you have more time, there are charming little villages and trekking to do around in the Gredos mountains.

If you need our help to make your move to Madrid zen, send us an email !

Madridly yours,
Pierre Waters – Moving2MadridMy google+

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