11 Key Questions When Moving to Madrid with Pets

Don't forget, your cat needs a passport too!

Don’t forget, your cat needs a passport too!

Moving to Madrid can be stressful enough when you’ve just got your family to think about… But what if your furry friends are part of the family too? It might seem daunting to begin with, but once you’ve got everything in order, it’s quite straightforward.

This is the first in a series of blog posts that any travelling pet owner will need. In the other posts we’ll deal with the logistics, paperwork and the best neighbourhoods in Madrid for you and your pets, but first, let’s get down to basics…

Here are the top 11 questions that pet owners need to consider when moving to Madrid, before, during and after your travels.


Before the move…




When in Madrid…

Madrid is a wonderfully pet-friendly city where dogs are even welcome in a lot of bars, restaurants and shops. It’s full of luscious parks and long walks that your four-legged friend is going to love.

If you’re looking for a smooth move to Madrid, or you want to save time and money looking for accommodation for you and your furry family, just send us an email!

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